Living In Mallorca

Relocating to Mallorca

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If I Could Go Back In Time

If I could go back in time would I still relocate to Spain?

Undoubtedly yes!

The thrill and excitement of making the pre-move arrangements. Searching online for the area that interests you. Looking online for estate agents or letting agents and working out your finances. Checking with international removal companies, storage firms, train, ferry or flight availability. Making, if possible, quick visits to set up your bank, accommodation and anything else that can be done in advance.

If you are anything like me then you will have spreadsheets and 'to do' lists everywhere!

But the most important part of relocating is the dream.

I had a dream and for a while I lived that dream. Perhaps you too have that dream?

While considering what to do with my blog now that I am in the U.K. I realised that it would be a shame to delete it or shelve it. Perhaps my experiences may be able to offer a little bit of help to anyone else that could be considering the big move. So I will attempt to organise this blog into pages to give further links and information that I found helpful. I hope they will be helpful to you.

Oh and if you like reading there are some of the books that I read and enjoyed before making my journey.

Finally, if there is anything that I don't cover which you want an answer to then just ask. If I can I will help and if I don't know the answer then I may well know a person who does!